Friday 29 December 2023

Best sectors in India for Business & Learning

Most valuable companies differ in America, Europe, Asia(India) and Africa

America in Technology: Apple, Microsoft and Google etc. 

Europe in the fashion world LVMH, Loreal, Dior, Hermes 

Middle East in Oil & Gas - Saudi Aramco, ADNOC and KPC.... 

Japan it's Automobile - Toyota 

Best sectors in India for Business & Learning - Finance, Technology and Telecom (connecting people or communication) 

It is applicable Asia, Africa and Australia in Total - Finance, Technology and Telecom (connecting people or communication) 

For future education, the highest value added Finance, Technology, and Communication

All else will be temporary, a subset of the same three abilities that you can use most to make money; Finance, Technology and Communication. It's enough to give you a hint of which sectors are worth building your business on.

Thursday 28 December 2023

Weight-loss drug using by Elon Musk & Hollywood

  The company making the weight loss pill Wegovy has become Europe's most valuable, dethroning a French luxury conglomerate LVMH. The share price rose after Novo Nordisk, a Danish pharmaceutical company, launched the popular medicine in the United Kingdom. The company's stock was valued at $428 billion, or 339 billion pounds, when it closed on Monday.

 In the United Kingdom and on the private market, it is currently available for national health services. Wegovy is an obesity treatment that is taken once a week which tricks people into thinking that they are already full, so they end up eating less and losing weight. Famous personalities such as Elon Musk are among the reported users of the drug, which has captivated Hollywood and the public more widely since it was approved by regulators in the US in 2021.

 The term "miracle" is used to describe Wegovy and Ozempic, two medicines that treat diabetes with similar effects. However, experts are warning that the injections may not be a temporary fix or replacement for healthy eating and exercise. Users often regained their weight following discontinuation of treatment in clinical studies.


Wednesday 27 December 2023

Good & Big Progress - Recent Years - Places in Entire India


Dwaraka City is traveling undersea through the submarine - Gujarat Government

  Dwaraka is the name of the temple town, and it's become a huge piligrimage for Hindus and followers of Lord Krishna all over the world. In order to protect maritime life around the town which remained under water, archaeology department stopped digging and exploration in the 1990s. But many visitors, tourists and piligrims want to visit under sea city remains as they want to visit Lord Krishna’s city like they are able to visit Brundavan, Mathura, Govardhan places that talk about his childhood.

 With a view to raising tourism income, and making Dwaraka an attraction as well, the Government of Gujarat has chosen to introduce submarine service within this city that is submerged. Which means that to see the remains of the drowned city, tourists and piligrims can now take a submarine deep under the water. Permission was given by the government to go under the sea up to 300 meters deep for an observation of Drowned Old Dwaraka City.

LPG cylinders by INR 450 - Rajasthan Government

   Rajasthan's Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma on Wednesday announced that the prices of LPG cylinders will be reduced to 450 rupees as a result of commitments he made during his campaign for recent assembly elections. It is reported that from 1 January 2024, new cylinder prices will be introduced in Rajasthan.

In a time of rising prices, India is selling rice under the name Bharat at INR 25 per kilo.

  The Government will now sell rice under the Bharat brand at 25 rupees a kilo in order to rein in soaring prices of rice, according to an official from the Ministry. This will be sold through the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (Nafed), National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation (NCCF) and Kendriya Bhandar outlets.

 In November, the prices of cereals rose to 10.17 per cent, up from 6.61 % reported last month, pushing food inflation higher to 8.70% in November compared with 6.70 % a month earlier. Almost half of the total consumer price index is driven by food inflation.

Using Hubble telescope, we've captured images of galaxies with infrared light.

   According to some rules of quantum physics, the forbidden emissions lines should not be there. However, the team says that quantum physics is complicated and some of the rules which underpin their prediction have been made under laboratory conditions on Earth.

It's been known for some time that the Hubble Space Telescope is capable of capturing vivid images of spiral galaxies, and recently it's captured a new galaxy that's been illuminated by the "forbidden" light. It's estimated that the galaxy is about 275 million lightyears from our home planet, and it's called MCG-01-24014.

MCG-24-01014: Galaxy

  The spiral galaxy named MCG-01-24-014 is said to have an extremely energetic core and is known as an active galactic nucleus (AGN): it has been categorised as a Type-2 Seyfert galaxy- and it has been stated that the mission specialists from Hubble, is managed by both European Space Agency and NASA. It is said that the most frequent AGN classes are hosted by Seyfert galaxies, along with quasars.

Although the precise classification of AGNs is complex, Seyfert galaxies tend to be relatively close to each other and their central AGN does not outshine its host. Although quasars are a very distant AGN with extraordinary brightness, far superior to the host galaxies.

The subclasses have also been expanded to include quasars and Seyfert galaxies. Type 1 and type 2 will be the most common subtypes in Seyfert galaxies.By examining their colour spectrum, astronomers have differentiated them from each other and they're the patterns that emerge when light breaks down into individual wavelengths. 

The type 2–3 Seyfert galaxy is emitting wavelength lines which are associated with the specific 'forbidden' emission line.

To find out why the light from the galaxy is considered 'forbidden', because it is necessary to understand the fundamental reasons for the existence of the spectrum. 

And the way they do it is also investigated by Spectra, because some molecules and atoms are absorbing and emitting light at a very specific wavelength.

What's the reason for quantum physics?

The electrons are those particles that orbit the molecules' and atoms' nuclei, which cannot exist in any particular degree of energy. Only very specific quantities of energy will be capable of being gained or lost by electrons during this process. The wavelengths of the light that can be absorbed or radiated are similar to this very special energy.

According to certain quantum physics rules, there should be no prohibited emission lines. The team explains, though, that quantum physics is complex and a number of rules for predicting its existence were developed in laboratory conditions on Earth.

Following these regulations, this emission has been deemed 'forbidden'—which is an occurrence and it is so unlikely that it is typically dismissed. Yet, these assumptions are no longer applied in a vast expanse of space that is surrounded by an extremely powerful galactic core, providing the 'forbidden light' opportunity to be radiated towards us.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Three best oils for hair health – Rosemary, Pumpkin seed and Castor oils.

Rosemary oil can be applied directly to the scalp. However, it is important to dilute it first, and it should never be applied without dilution. To make a rosemary oil solution, people can try diluting a few drops of rosemary oil in a carrier oil, such as coconut oil. Then, they can massage the oil evenly into their scalp. Rinsing the oil out afterward is optional. However, if an individual does choose to rinse it out, they should allow it to set into the scalp for a few minutes before doing so.

Pumpkin Seed Oil, an underrated oil for haircare. It promotes hair growth, strengthens hair strands, and inhibits the production of DHT, a hormone associated with hair loss. Additionally, it nourishes the scalp, adds shine and luster to the hair, and provides protection against environmental damage. Incorporating pumpkin seed oil into your hair care routine can help improve the overall health and appearance of your hair. The best way to benefit from pumpkin seed oil is by using a scalp treatment serum, shampoo, or conditioner containing pumpkin seed oil.

Castor oil is a time-tested remedy used widely in ayurvedic medicine and cosmetic purposes in India. This pale yellow colour oil is valuable for treating damaged scalp and makes your hair smooth and lustrous. It is not unusual to use castor oil, even Bollywood diva Kareena Kapoor uses this amazing oil to get her champi session once a month. She gets herself a hair massage comprising 4 oil blends –olive, coconut, almond, and castor, which had greatly helped her in promoting hair growth and preventing hair fall.


Saturday 23 December 2023

Artificial intelligence innovation in 2023 The 3 greatest innovations of AI

 Artificial Intelligence Innovation in 2023 The 3 biggest innovations of AI 

In a lot of ways, 2023 marked the year that people started to recognize the true nature of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its capabilities. It was also the year when chatbots went viral and the year when governments started to take AI risk seriously. These developments were not so much new innovations as they were new technologies and ideas coming to the fore after a long period of development.

However, there were also plenty of new innovations that took place in 2023. Below are three of the most significant ones from the past year. 


The term “multimodal” is often used interchangeably with “text-first” or “text-only” AI models. Multimodality refers to an AI system’s ability to process a wide range of data, including text, images, videos, audio, and more.

This year saw the first public availability of high-performance multimodal artificial intelligence models. One of the first to be released by OpenAI was GPT-4, which allows users to upload both images and text inputs.

GPT-4 is capable of “seeing” the content of an image. This opens up a wide range of possibilities, such as asking GPT-4 to determine what to make next for dinner based on an image of the fridge’s contents.

In September, OpenAI launched ChatGPT, which can be used both as a voice and text interface.

The Gemini model, announced by Google DeepMind in December, is capable of working with images as well as audio. In the launch video, which Google shared on YouTube, the model identified a duck by following a line drawn on a post it note. In another video, shown after being presented with an image of the same color yarn and asked to create a picture, Gemini generated a picture of a pink-and-blue octopus plush. (In the marketing video, Gemini appeared to observe moving images and respond in real time to audio commands, but Google said on its website in a post that the video was “edited for brevity” and that the model is asked to generate still images rather than video and text prompts rather than audio, though the model has audio capabilities.)

Constitutional AI

How to integrate this into human values is one of the biggest unanswered questions in AI. If they become smarter and more powerful than humans, they could cause untold damage to our species, some even calling for total extinction, unless they are constrained by rules that put human flourishing at the center of them. The process that OpenAI had been using to align ChatGPT was working well, but it required a great deal of human effort in order to prevent racial and gender biased behaviour from previous models, By implementing a technique called Leveraging Learning with Human Feedback, or RLHF. If the AI responds in a useful, harmless and compatible way with OpenAI content rules, humans raters would evaluate its answers and render them an equivalent of dog food. OpenAI has created an efficient and relatively benign chatbot by rewarding the AI when it is good, but penalising it when it's bad.


The rapid progress of text to video tools has been a major consequence of the billions of dollars flowing into artificial intelligence this year. Last year, texttoimage tools hardly developed from the outset; now there are a number of companies that give you the ability to transform sentences into motion pictures with more refined and precise accuracy.

Runway is one of these companies, an AI video startup in Brooklyn that's committed to making movies available for free. Its latest model, Gen-2, allows users to not just generate a video from text, but also change the style of an existing video based on a text prompt (for example, turning a shot of cereal boxes on a tabletop into a nighttime cityscape,) in a process it calls video-to-video.

'Our mission,' Runway CEO Cristobal Valenzuela said to TIME in May, 'is to develop tools for the creative minds of people. He acknowledges that it will have consequences for creative jobs, where some forms of technical knowledge are quickly being replaced by AI tools, but believes the world on the other side is worth its disruption. Our vision is a world in which people's creativity grows and increases, but there are less things about the craft, budget, technical specifications.

Thursday 21 December 2023

Money multiplier SW Zones

 Vaastu Tips:

In W3 Zone, any item you place here will continuously multiply, resulting in an ever-increasing quantity of the same item, be it money or wine bottles etc.

The W2 Zone's preservation power is outstanding. By maintaining the integrity of the medicines, it ensures that the respective symptoms or diseases gradually reduce, eliminating the need to use those medicines altogether. It's a game-changer for everyone seeking natural healing and wellness.

According to Vaastu principles, silver items, symbolizing water, are traditionally recommended to be placed in the North zone.

Friday 15 December 2023

Most powerful place in entire universe

 In the world, there are four different kinds of temples. 

1. Temples in Harsham

The Agasthya or Parusaram temples, which originated maharishis during the purana period. These temples' power may endure for many years or even generations.

2. Temples in Daivikam 

Temples founded by the gods themselves: Vayu God founded Guruvayur, while Lord Rama established the Rameswaram temple. These temples have the potential to remain powerful for several yugas or perhaps longer.

3. Temples in Manaviayam

Temples built by regular people Nowadays, most cities, towns, and villages have a large number of temples built by regular people. These temples' influence may last for 20 or 30 years before declining with time.

 4. Swayam vyaktam

The one and only temple deity, Lord Venkateswara Swamy, Tirupati. As God himself stays here for common people. The power of this temple will stay forever.

The most powerful God and temple in the world; if somebody does one good deed there, such as volunteering or donating money for food etc., they will receive ten thousand times more benefits than they would in any other regular location. At the same time, if someone makes even one mistake, they will suffer ten thousand times more.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Himalayan Pink Salt


There are a tonne of business potential in this particular product because it is so popular in the US, UK, and Middle East. The US market is buzzing with talk of how this helps address lung issues, asthma, and bronchitis, given the rise in respiratory disorders. Because of its exceptional organic quality, the UK commands a high price from customers in the food and beverage industry. 

And the Middle East adores it since it is said to have 84 minerals, which their bodies are lacking in. 

Above all, they all seem to concur that it is lovely and has healing qualities that enhance the positive energy in your environment.

 I'm referring to pink Himalayan salt here.

 You won't find it in the Himalayas! 

In fact, it is found in Pakistan, where tonnes of it are mined there every day.

Given that the Himalayas are recognized by the international community as an Indian range and that salt has long been associated with Reiki, conventional treatment, saunas, and positivism... 

Brands of this type of salt are thought to have greater legitimacy when they come from India. 

Of the $11 billion worldwide market, the US accounts for $2.5 billion, the UK for $2 billion, and the Middle East for half of that amount. India's actual chance to profit is in its derivative value-added products since it lacks a cost advantage in raw material.

The true money-making potential lies in its derivative value-added items that have a powerful Indian brand. 

Consider salt lamps, statues, negative energy sucking prisms for bathrooms, and pink salt tequila glasses, which are currently very popular in the US.

Cow Types in India